Difference between Surgical and Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

The nose is an important part of the face and it plays a key role in defining the way we look. By making changes to it, a person can improve the appearance significantly. Plastic surgeons use surgical and non-surgical methods to fix it. So nose surgery is not the only option if you need any enhancement in your nose. This article discusses the difference between surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty.

If you want to fix the shape or/and size of your nose, this topic is for you.

nose surgery in dubai

Understanding Rhinoplasty

Nose reshaping can be performed using a surgical or non-surgical method. To make major changes to the skin and bone, plastic surgeons use nose surgery. However, minor changes can be made using a non-surgical rhinoplasty.


Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

There are many similarities and differences between surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty. Some notable points of contracts have been discussed below:

  • Cost: Obviously, surgical treatments cost more than non-surgical ones.
  • Time: The surgical procedures require more time to deliver the desired results.
  • Trauma: Cuts to the skin and bone are involved in nose surgery but the non-surgical option does not cause major damage.
  • Aftercare: The patient has to take care of the treated are after having surgical rhinoplasty.
  • Downtime: There is no downtime after non-surgical rhinoplasty but surgery involves some downtime.
  • Side Effects: The surgical option also involves some temporary side effects that take some time to subside.
  • Pre-Op Care: Surgery patients have to follow some guidelines even before the procedure.


The Final Verdict

You have read the difference between surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty. If you want to fix a flaw, you might be a good candidate of nose surgery in Dubai. If you need more details about this topic, please contact one of the experts in your area to learn more about it. So schedule a consultation session with a professional in your area.

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